Baby Melinda, California’s Smallest Preemie, Goes Home

Melinda Star Guido, the smallest preemie to have been born in California, has left the hospital. She holds the title of being the third smallest preemie in the entire world. After a long time spent in the NICU, she was finally able to go home with her parents. When Melinda was born, she weighed less than a can of soda. She was born 24 weeks premature, because there was a problem with the placenta. Due to that problem, she wasn’t able to get the nutrition, blood, and oxygen she needed while she was in the womb. In addition to this … Continue reading

Melinda : Second Smallest Preemie in America

Melinda Star Guido was born weighing only nine-and-a-half ounces. She is one of the smallest babies that was ever born in the entire world, and the second smallest baby to be born in the United States. She is surviving, growing, and expected to be able to go home by New Year’s. At birth, Melinda weighed less than a can of soda. She was small enough to fit into the palm of her doctor’s hand. She was born 24 weeks premature because there was a problem with the placenta. Due to that problem, Melinda wasn’t able to get enough nutrition, blood, … Continue reading

Kindergartners Who Were Preterm Babies Face Learning Difficulties

A study shows that babies who were born prematurely are much more likely to have problems with learning when they reach kindergarten than are kids who were born full term. This means that “preemies” need to be checked for learning difficulties when they are in pre-school, so that early intervention treatments can be implemented. The study was done by researchers at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, and was lead by Dr. H. Gerry Taylor. Overall, they found that kindergarteners who were born “extremely prematurely”, were much more likely to have learning problems then were their peers, (who … Continue reading